This is who I am.

Welcome to my place. Since you ended up here you must be either curious about me or bored a lot. Additionally, you might be wondering why this place exists and why I made it. This can be answered by the sole most important reason for doing anything in life; I did it because I wanted to. Secondly, I didn't know how to build a website like this. Therefore, being a person that constantly strive to learn new and interesting stuff this website seemed like a perfect project.

My interest for the natural sciences has been there from the beginning. Following primary school I got my general certificate of education within mathematics, physics and biotechnology. Therefore, it seemed natural to continue studying Nanoscience at Aarhus University in order to keep learning within the broad field of science. Along the way I dug deeper into the field of Physics and completed my bachelor within surface physics and more specifically graphene-metal interactions. During my masters i continued along the same path within surface physics while focusing more on data analysis. This resulted in my masters project which ended up as a full analysis of the data gathered during a week of beamtime at Diamond Light Source, UK.

In the late summer of 2018 I chose to try something new and started as an industrial PhD student at Newtec Engineering A/S situated in Odense Denmark. Newtec Engineering is a subsidiary of Newtec A/S selling machinery for sorting, weighing and packing vegetables primarily. Much effort is put into R&D at Newtec Engineering, where focus is on smart machinery capable of sorting vegetables by measuring physical properties by the means of hyperspectral imaging. This is where my PhD fit in.

In my spare time I like building stuff with my hands. This is everything from physical objects, to electronics projects and even a well prepared meal. Occasionally you will find posts about my latest spare time adventures.

Being a firm believer of giving credit where credit is due, I have to send a big thank you to Bo Tranberg who helped me get going with this project. Head over to to check out his electricity network endeavours.